Dear people of God, let us now understand how 'Focus' is essential if we have to please our Father - Focus on His commands.
In the above Scripture, Jesus speaks of the command He received from the Father:
'' I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.This Command I received from my Father. ''
Jesus set His focus on this very command until He fully accomplished what was assigned to Him -i.e., laying down his life and taking it back.
If we read through the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we understand how many distractions, or rather, how many different kinds of situations Jesus had gone through, during His journey to accomplish this goal.
Yet He kept His focus on this very command and ensured that He had finished the work given to Him, by giving up His life on the cross. And in the Power of God, taking it back again on the third day.
And hence God exalted Him to His right hand.
And exalted His NAME above every name, that at the NAME of Jesus, every knee should bow !
All through His life on this earth Jesus never gave any importance to anything else other than doing this command of God.
As a boy he helped his earthly father, but at the same time He started doing His work for God, for He knew, that which is assigned to Him must be accomplished under all circumstances.
Neither His age, nor His financial conditions, nor Joseph's profession, nor the legal or political conditions of the country, could prevent Jesus from keeping this command of God.
Let us meditate on this incident mentioned in Luke 2, when Jesus was only 12 years old:
'' Luke 2 :49 Why were you searching for me ?'' he asked.''Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house ?''
'' Luke 2 :49 Why were you searching for me ?'' he asked.''Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house ?''
Jesus said this when he was only 12 years old.
He did not relax thinking he is too young to start the work, so let him first grow up physically and then he can start the work! No.
He set his FOCUS steadfastly on the Father's command even from that tender age.
He set his FOCUS steadfastly on the Father's command even from that tender age.
And this focus reflected in His attitude towards different people, and whoever heard Him were amazed at His understanding, that was projected in His answers.
Lets us read more on this :
''Luke 2:46,47 After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. When his parents saw him they were astonished.''
Because of the focus Jesus had, He knew what He must do, even at that age.
''Luke 2:46,47 After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. When his parents saw him they were astonished.''
Because of the focus Jesus had, He knew what He must do, even at that age.
He already started to set Himself to accomplish the task given to Him, and began to talk to the teachers in the temple courts, listening to them and asking them questions.
He did not shy away thinking He was only a little boy, neither He kept His circumstances in mind, that His parents were not with Him and and they might be worried about Him, and how does He make His way back home all alone.
Neither did He think about how the teachers might react as He is just a little child.
This behaviour of Jesus is pleasing to the Father.
And the element that is reflecting in His attitude is Focus.
'' Luke 2 : 48, 49 When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, ''Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.''
''Why were you searching for me?'' he asked. ''Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house? ''
When His parents found Him, they were anxious about His treatment towards them. But Jesus was unswayed by their anxiety. And His answer was straight to the point - ''Didn't you know, I had to be in my Father's house?''
His focus enabled Him to show the right attitude.
Dear people of God, our Father in heaven wants us all to have similar Focus on His commands.
Our natural circumstances must not become an excuse for us in anyway.
Our natural circumstances must not become an excuse for us in anyway.
If we set our focus on what our Father wants, then we will know what to answer and how to carry ourselves in different situations and with different people.
This helps us in projecting the right attitude.
Because our determination to steadfastly keep His commands, will begin to influence and mould our thinking, and thereby we will respond according to our Father's standards, and thus our actions will be governed by God's decrees.
So, dear people, let us not grieve our heavenly Father by going to HIM with various excuses, giving explanations as to why we failed to keep HIS commands due to some circumstances, but let our actions become a treasure for HIM, by setting our focus just on His commands.
So, dear people, let us not grieve our heavenly Father by going to HIM with various excuses, giving explanations as to why we failed to keep HIS commands due to some circumstances, but let our actions become a treasure for HIM, by setting our focus just on His commands.
'' Luke 2 :51 ...but his mother treasured all these things in her heart ''
Just like Jesus, even while He was a little boy, began to set His focus on the Father, and His work, and was straight in His answers, let our actions too be according to what the Word of God commands us.
Let not our work atmosphere, our neighborhood, our friends, our parents, our elders, our financial conditions - let not anything under the sun influence our Focus on the decrees and commands of our Father.
Let us determine to become His treasured possession, by living our lives, the way He commanded us.
Lets pray..
Father, grant us the focus that Jesus had on your command even while he was a little boy.
Grant us grace to behave in such a way that you treasure our actions, and are well pleased with our behaviour.
Help us to hold on to your word irrespective of our circumstances, and delight in You all the time.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen ''
God Bless You.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen ''
God Bless You.