Servant of The Most High

Servant of The Most High

Micah 4:13

'' Rise and Thresh, O Daughter of Zion, for I will give you horns of iron;
I will give you hoofs of bronze and you will break to pieces many nations. ''

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Below are the messages from the Holy Scriptures taught by the Holy Spirit



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The King's share of harvest from the second crop.

''Isaiah 34:16 For it is His mouth that has given the order and His Spirit will gather them together.''

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Elements of Attitude : Speech [3 of 3]

'' Proverbs 12:6 The speech of the upright rescues them.''

Dear ones, ''Speech'' is the vital aspect of our lives.

It is the main ingredient of our relationships, which influences our entire world.

'Words'' that comprise our speech, have power in them.

So it is very important that we are very careful while speaking.

'' Speech '' is directly proportionate to our Focus.

What we set our focus on, is what we express.

Though it is the tongue through which we speak, we cannot tame this tongue.

Let us read some Scriptures about tongue and its evil:

'' James 3:6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. ''

'' James 3:8 No man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.''

Hence God provided shutters to this tongue. That is , our LIPS !

And we can certainly train and tame our lips! Cant' we ?

Let us see what kind of lips God wants us to have:

'' Proverbs 23:16 My inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right. ''

So, we ought to have lips that speak
what is right.

As dearly loved children of God, we need to put in all the effort to speak what is RIGHT in the sight of God, if we want to please our heavenly Father.

Lets now see how we can train our Lips :

As I mentioned above, our speech is directly proportionate to our Focus.

If I chose to do my Father's instructions, and I love His commands, I will then diligently set my focus on His commands in all my situations.

I will be thorough with all the instructions, given in His Word.

I will diligently renew my mind, because the Word of God says so, and when I renew my mind with His word, my way of thinking changes according His word.

When I do this with total dedication, whenever I open my mouth to speak, I will only set my focus on what God expects me to answer.

Lets meditate on this taking a reference from Proverbs:

'' Proverbs 23 : 15 My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad.''

Word of God says that we need to have a wise heart.

When I set my heart on doing this command of God, and choose to be wise in order to please my Father in heaven, irrespective of any kind of situation, my mind which is renewed with His word, will produce thoughts inline with the Scripture.

Now, what are the characteristics of heavenly wisdom:

'' James 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.''

So, when I set my focus on this Scripture, whenever I speak -
I will be careful to ensure purity in my speech,
I will be careful to ensure peace and love,
I will be careful to ensure that I am being considerate , and does not dominate, but be humble and be full of mercy ..
I will be careful not to be partial,
and I will be careful to ensure I am being sincere
because I decided to abide by Proverbs 23 : 15 and set my focus just on this command.

Abiding by His word, in turn helps in preventing unnecessary emotions, unnecessary agony and hurt, specially when we encounter people, who just speak anything.

Renewing our mind with the word of God, helps us to identify ourselves in God, our stand in God, to know who we are, what do we have instored for us in God, what are the promises we have if we chose to adhere to His commands.

And when we set our focus on these, our mind will only think from this perspective and therefore we speak basing on our belief in that word.

Word of God has life in it.

The more we meditate on it, it releases life to our inmost being, and provides peace that flows from the Father.
The more we imbibe our mind in it, the more joyous we become and more peaceful.

Spirit of God will take complete control of our emotions, and keeps us from aggression, and every odd emotion, while talking with people.
And gives us a sound mind that rests on His promises.

And whatever could be the opposite person's intentions, or whatever could be his attitude towards us - if he talks plainly or rashly, if he is a moron or a professional, if he is a Prime Minister or a colleague, or even if he is a street begger, who they are in person will not have anything to do with our response, because we have set our focus on God's word and His direction and instructions, and whatever the Word commands us to do in respect to all these various positions / designations, is what matters to us, and thereof we speak.

This makes it easy to utter the right things and avoid any odd situations caused due to the misuse of our tongues, because we don't react to people, but we only act on the Word.

''Proverbs 10: 13 Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning. ''

And this thereby keeps us safe from God's fury which could arise due to speaking out evil, coming from negative emotions.

''Proverbs 10 : 11 The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. ''

Beginning from home, even at your work places or wherever you could be, practise exercising the word of God into your speech.

And practise being with like minded people.

Be thorough with all the promises God has given us, so that if anyone tries to come against you and hit you verbally, you should be ready with the sword of the Spirit, His Word.

If someone is being violent with you, trying to incite you, you should still choose to speak what is right and keep your calm, assuring yourself of God's promise in '' Isaiah 54:17 No weapon forged against you will prevail.''

If someone tries to contend with you, tries to oppress you, you should still choose to respect them and keep your calm, and speak just what is right, but not give them back tit for tat, and get entangled in emotions.

Maintain your dignity and be within your diivne boundaries, lines drawn by the Word, and just be assured of God's promise that says '' Isaiah 49 : 25 I will contend with those who conted with you. ''

Avoid gossips for the word of God says, ''Proverbs 20 : 19 A gossip betrays a confidence.''
Come out of the network of friends/acquaintance whom you think is influencing you negatively in adhering to God's word.

God will send the best of people to be your friends if you choose to keep His decrees, than having large network of people who might lead you away from God.

And even if you don't find any, rejoice that you are the most blessed of all to get all the time in the world so that you can get closer to Jesus and make Him your best friend.
There is no friend like Jesus.
It is during such lonely times, that my Friend Jesus found me. And now I can't leave this friend for anything. After tasting Jesus, I now testify, that there is nothing under the sun that will get my attention, or interest, than spending time with this Amazing Beautiful Friend..

'' James 1 :19 Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.''

Learn to be silent, which means, be slow to speak, respect others views, and then take your turn. For it is God who establishes our work.

And Dominion belongs to Him.

'' Job 25 : 2 Dominion and awe belong to God; ''

As His children, He promsied us He will keep us on the top and not bottom, then why go ahead of God, rush in speech and spoil the good will of people around us ?

If you chose to stick to His sound instruction, then even if you miss any oppurtunity, because you kept your trust in God and chose to do His will, He will surely create brand new opportunity, specially for you, gather people specially to satisfy your desire to express your views, fill you with all the wisdom you need, and make only your voice audible and make it acceptable, even if there are many well learned, experienced people surrounding you.

Our God is a God who fights on behalf of His people.
We don't have to fight for anything by oursleves.

Just entrust all your cares and worries to Him.

But keep all your efforts to Keep His Temple, that is our bodies, Holy.

Do not let the evil flow out of your tongues, just because of some evil tongues have spoken some vain things.

We are what the word of God says we are, but not the impressions of the people around us.

'' Proverbs 25: 11 A word aptly spoken is like apple of gold in settings of silver. ''

So, lets train our lips to release only that is pleasing to God, and let us not allow our tongue to rule our speech, but let our minds and attitudes that are well nourished in the Word of God, rule our speech.

God bless You.