These promises wil not manifest by themselves, automatically.
We need to work together with God, partaking in His divine nature.
'' 2 Peter 1:4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. ''
When God promises something, there is a very higher purpose than just what the promise is about.
Lets say for example, if God promises that there will be a netbreaking increase in the times of famine, God's purpose here is just not to increase us exceedingly but there will be much higher plans instored behind this promise, and these purposes and plans can be known only by walking closely with Him.
This holiness will make a way for a clear communication with God.
As I was saying my example, when I saw the promise, I presumed to myself that next step in my life is, I am going to have it. I was not ready even in my dreams for any kind of test. And situations suddenly turned in a manner that I must leave everything there and go to a different place. And I tried to hold on and tried to go ahead of God and get that promise myself - but sadly I only was hurt as I was not successful in any manner.
Then the Lord led me to realize that it the time for a test and helped me to humble myslef.
As we keep pressing towards the goal, God will reveal many many beautiful revelations about Him, and also gives heavenly encounters according to HIS plans, and we grow stronger in Him.
It was during these situations that God has given me the grace to have a glimpse of HIS Tabernacle (in an open vision).
Lets say for example, if God promises that there will be a netbreaking increase in the times of famine, God's purpose here is just not to increase us exceedingly but there will be much higher plans instored behind this promise, and these purposes and plans can be known only by walking closely with Him.
These can be understood by meditating on His word, step by step applying His instruction and His word in all our situations, and keeping ourselves holy, trusting that the One who promised will DO what He said.
Situations might not seem favorable, but dear ones we need to just focus on the WORD given to us, and constantly seeking His direction, we ought to pray watchfully and submit all our actions to Him.
Maintaining a holy life is very crucial in this process, for God cannot operate if there is sin prevalent in our lives.
This holiness will make a way for a clear communication with God.
When I say holiness, we need to practice it.
It doesn't come all at once.
We need the help of the Holy Spirit, and with persistent efforts we need to maintain a divine nature.
This means, we should have clean thoughts, clean speech, clean habits, clean intentions and motives, regular worship and spending most of the time with God, following all His commands without any compromise even if it costs anything.
This will eventually result in the Transformation of your mind.
Your mind gets renewed eventually with such a practise of the Word of God. And you will then know what it is to 'Delight in the Lord.'
For every situation that arises, apply the instruction of God and handle with the word of God ... your mind should be filled up only with the verses from the Word, to tackle any circumstance around you.
In the initial days, while you are still getting absorbed into the word, do not act on your mere instincts, presuming it could be God's voice. Give it good time, the more you get planted in the word, the more confident you will become to make out and understand the voice inside you is from your human spirit or if it is divine.
If there is any shadow of doubt, turn to the word and ask God to speak through the Word.
In order for us to know the direction during the process of receiving a promise, what we need is the 'Rhema word.'
If there is any shadow of doubt, turn to the word and ask God to speak through the Word.
In order for us to know the direction during the process of receiving a promise, what we need is the 'Rhema word.'
Holy spirit leads us to the Scripture that is analogous to our situation, and will impress upon us the 'word' which will make us understand the direction we ought to take, in those circumstances in order to reach to the promise.
This word will tell us the path God has arranged for us inside our circumstances, and how God is going to take us to the promise via this route, and what is that we must look forward to, in our situations.
This Word that helps us to understand on what our focus must be while heading towards our goal / promise, is called the Rhema Word.
For example, in my life when God has given a me a promise, and I was almost at the verge of receiving it, to my surprise, I encountered a test.
Dear people, before God grants the promise there will be acid test and this test will TAKE AWAY the promise.
But we NEED TO HOLD ON TO THE WORD and be ready to give up the promise, trusting HE is able to bring it back to life - Just like He asked Isaac, and Abraham was obedient and was ready to sacrifice - If we get confused and try to grab or hold on to the situation without letting it go when God wants it, dear people, it will end up in us losing the promise.
As I was saying my example, when I saw the promise, I presumed to myself that next step in my life is, I am going to have it. I was not ready even in my dreams for any kind of test. And situations suddenly turned in a manner that I must leave everything there and go to a different place. And I tried to hold on and tried to go ahead of God and get that promise myself - but sadly I only was hurt as I was not successful in any manner.
Then the Lord led me to realize that it the time for a test and helped me to humble myslef.
And as I waited on the Lord, Lord showed me a scripture in Joshua, where when God was leading them to the promised land, they face the river Jordan.
And when they placed this Ark of God on the river, the river breaks up and brings the land out. And the Israelites cross the river by walking on that land.
When I read this Scripture, the rhema word given to me was ''hidden oppurtunities'' :
When I read this Scripture, the rhema word given to me was ''hidden oppurtunities'' :
This Scripture is analogous to my situation, here is the revelation given to me -
Ark of God means Word of GOD. In those days Ark represents symbol of the covenant,
Ark of God means Word of GOD. In those days Ark represents symbol of the covenant,
and now for us the symbol of the New covenant is JESUS and who is JESUS? Living Word.
( This means, the Word given to me, that is God's promise to me.)
So I need to place the word given to me on my situation, as those people placed the ARK on their situation, which was river.
So I need to place the word given to me on my situation, as those people placed the ARK on their situation, which was river.
Land hidden inside the waters coming out of river jordan, means, opportunity to cross the river was hidden inside the river - which means deep inside my situations, oppurtunities to cross and get closer to my promise are hidden - therefore the rhema word for me was '' Hidden Opportunities.''
By positioning the WORD given to me on those situations will bring out the HIDDEN OPPURTUNITIES for me to reach my promise.
This is how we need to get the rhema word, by meditating on the Scriptures, and take HIS instructions.
By positioning the WORD given to me on those situations will bring out the HIDDEN OPPURTUNITIES for me to reach my promise.
This is how we need to get the rhema word, by meditating on the Scriptures, and take HIS instructions.
(I explained the above to make known what is a rhema word and how to get the same.)
As we keep pressing towards the goal, God will reveal many many beautiful revelations about Him, and also gives heavenly encounters according to HIS plans, and we grow stronger in Him.
It was during these situations that God has given me the grace to have a glimpse of HIS Tabernacle (in an open vision).
So dear people, do not worry if it is taking a long time to recieve the promise from God, we need to first do the will of God, obediently and persevere all that He allows and hold on and keep pressing towards the goal, professing confidently what we are believing in.
For the One who promised is faithful.
Well, as we progress, keeping His instructions and giving ourselves totally to His power and will, we will see a new being coming out of us - a new person, being created as our mind gets renewed and this is what God aims at, as this will contribute towards being transformed into HIS likeness in Jesus.
Well, as we progress, keeping His instructions and giving ourselves totally to His power and will, we will see a new being coming out of us - a new person, being created as our mind gets renewed and this is what God aims at, as this will contribute towards being transformed into HIS likeness in Jesus.
We will be found in Him, and we will get a new identity in JESUS, and our external circumstances will NOT have any influence on what we are and our life will be totally controlled by our Lord.
We will then see what it is like living in the Kingdom of God, though we live on the earth.
Life becomes beautiful, walking with Jesus.
Dear ones, receiving promises of God is a lengthy, time consuming, yet beautiful process.
Dear ones, receiving promises of God is a lengthy, time consuming, yet beautiful process.
Do not be deceived when anyone tells you to sow money and you will reap the promise. No.
You will never be able to see what God has planned, if we follow such senseless advices.
Get closer to your Maker, and develop a personal intimate relationship with HIM, allow HIM to work out HIS will, at the cost of anything, for the word says who ever loses home, parents, or brothers or sisters for the sake of the Word, will receive them all.
May God grant us strength, and His divine guidance and help us to press toward the goal, persevering until we receive what has been promised.
Get closer to your Maker, and develop a personal intimate relationship with HIM, allow HIM to work out HIS will, at the cost of anything, for the word says who ever loses home, parents, or brothers or sisters for the sake of the Word, will receive them all.
May God grant us strength, and His divine guidance and help us to press toward the goal, persevering until we receive what has been promised.
God bless You.