Servant of The Most High

Servant of The Most High

Micah 4:13

'' Rise and Thresh, O Daughter of Zion, for I will give you horns of iron;
I will give you hoofs of bronze and you will break to pieces many nations. ''

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Below are the messages from the Holy Scriptures taught by the Holy Spirit



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The King's share of harvest from the second crop.

''Isaiah 34:16 For it is His mouth that has given the order and His Spirit will gather them together.''

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our Attitude

Dear people of God, lets read what the Scriptures tell us about the '' Attitude '' we need to show as children of the Most High God.

'' Philippians 2 : 5-11 Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.''

''Ephesians 5: 1,2 Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.''

Dear God's people, our attitude should be same as that of Christ - making ourselves nothing, but taking the nature of a servant, and obediently doing the will of God the Father.

I have heard lot of preachings, where in order to encourage people to build up their self esteem, they teach them that since they are 'gods' ( with small g ), they should always execute authority they have in Christ, over the situations and should not pray, when trials surround them.

Dear people, be careful about what you not allow pride and arrogance veil you in the disguise of operating in Christ's authority...

Do not allow your self-image over-rule the image God wants you to have in Christ.

Our self-esteem must be built up on the true knowledge of our Lord.
But not by adopting some arrogant approach.

They also quote the example of the storm, where the disciples were afraid when they see the storm and wake up Jesus to help them, and say that the disciples must have used the authority instead of waking up Jesus.
And waking up Jesus asking Him to save, is interpreted as 'prayer'.
They therefore, say that we should not pray, but act in authority.
And that, this is what the Lord meant to say from that Scripture.

But dear people, if we read that passage we will understand that Jesus asked the disciples about their 'Faith,' and not about their 'Authority.'
And Jesus referred their actions as 'Fear' and not as 'Prayer.'

If disciples had shown faith, then they would have kept their calm and be confident, trusting that the Lord will not let their boat sink.
They would have been assured of their safety, because when the very Son of God is in the boat how can this storm get them?
And will the One who came to save them from the world, will He be silent and not rescue them?

'' Mark 4:40 He said to his disciples,''Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?'' ''

Jesus here, was expecting His disciples to show child-like faith during that storm.

Dear children of God, when storms hit your lives, you need to wear the attitude of a child and be still in faith, trusting in the power of God, that our God is able to rescue you from every storm, because the word of God says,
'' Psalm 121: 6,7 The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm --he will watch over your life;''

We should definitely execute the God given authority, but it should be on the devil and powers of darkness. But not on the trials that God allows in our lives to mould us and reveal His glory in us.

Let us now see how we can wear the attitude of a servant:

If we analyse the attitude of Jesus described in Philippians 2:6-8
''who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!''
In these verses we can clearly see the ''Focus'' of Jesus.

His focus has always been on the Father. And His commands.

He never focused on people, neither on their insults nor their praises, but He set His mind and heart only on doing the Father's will. His Focus was unswerving till the end.

Dear people, we need to imitate similar attitude, like

As long as we know we are keeping in the word, we don't have to be effected by what people say, either positive or negative, and should not be effected by the circumstances - all we must diligently seek, is to do the commands and decrees of God as given in His word.

When we learn to set our focus on diligently keeping the instructions of our Lord and Saviour, it becomes easy for us to project a 'servant's attitude, because all the time we set our mind on what our Master wants us to do, and therefore we will incline ourselves towards doing what pleases our Master. And we will put all our efforts to present ourselves pleasing in His sight, and this helps us to be a good servant.

'' 2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. ''

Lets read some more scriptures :
'' Matthew 7:21 '' Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me that day, 'Lord, Lord,did we not prophesy in your name , and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evil doers!' ''

In this scripture Jesus clearly tells us that performing miracles, and wonders should
definitely not be a yardstick (or a sign) to measure the stand or relationship with God.

But what counts is only doing the Father's will.

If we set our hearts and minds on doing the will of God, we will walk in fear of Him abiding by His word, and we will not be overwhelmed when God performs
miracles through us, for we would know that it is not we but our Master who is working through us and we are only His servants.

Now, how do we know the will of our Father?

Prayer is the most important and powerful key to this.

Let us read some scriptures to know the importance of prayer:

''Matthew 18: 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.''

''Mark 14:38 Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.''

''Luke 5:16 But Jesus always withdrew to lonely places and prayed.''

''Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.''

''Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.''

These are some scriptures which speak about the Son of God Himself praying to the Father.

If Jesus, the very God's own Holy Son, always withdrew to lonely places and prayed, then how much more we who are born in sin, living in flesh and the evil world, ought to spend time in solitary with our Father, in prayer?

We ought to rely on God's power for every matter of our lives, and through prayer, seek God's direction, and allow HIM to execute HIS will in our lives, and mould us for the purposes HE has for us.

As the Spirit of God is speaking to us this hour dear people, let us learn to wear the right

let us show child-like faith when storms hit our lives..

let us go to our Father in solitary, and pray as much time as possible, imitating Christ's prayer life..

let us make ourselves nothing and become servants of God, and set our focus ONLY on doing our Father's commands, and be obedient to His will, and not give up until the work God assigned to us has been fully accomplished, just like Jesus was obedient until the death on a cross...

Just like God exalted Christ, He will, through Christ, exalt us in due time.

'' Psalm 147: 10, 11 His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. ''

Lets pray..

Father, help us to be obedient and do Your will, and be imitators of Christ, wearing the right attitude that pleases you.
Help us to spend most of our time in Your presence in prayer, humbling ourselves, and not run swiftly like horses, trusting our own strength - for Your word says ' You do not delight in the legs of a man, but in those who walk humbly in Your presence.'
Grant us grace to wear righteousness as our clothing, and imitate Jesus,and be for You the aroma of Christ.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

God bless You.