Servant of The Most High

Servant of The Most High

Micah 4:13

'' Rise and Thresh, O Daughter of Zion, for I will give you horns of iron;
I will give you hoofs of bronze and you will break to pieces many nations. ''

Showers  of  Living  Water

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Below are the messages from the Holy Scriptures taught by the Holy Spirit



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The King's share of harvest from the second crop.

''Isaiah 34:16 For it is His mouth that has given the order and His Spirit will gather them together.''

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Dear God's people, we will read some Scriptures about Daniel, the Shunammite woman and Jonah and learn the importance of being '' Upright '' for God, even in the smallest of our affairs.

Daniel's Uprightness:

'' Daniel 1 : 8 Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief for permission not to defile himself this way. ''

'' Daniel 1 :9 Now God had caused the official to show favour and sympathy to Daniel ''

'' Daniel 1 : 11- 17 Daniel then said to the guard whom the chief official had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, '' Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food and treat your servants in accordance to what you see. '' So he agreed and tested them for ten days. At the end of ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead. ''

To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds. ''

Daniel was upright even in the smallest matter, as food.

He decided not to defile himself with the royal food, when he was selected into the King's palace.

When Daniel was upright, God caused the officials to be favourable towards him, and Daniel was allowed to eat the food he wanted to eat.

Because he honored God , God blessed Daniel, with not just good looks and good health at the end of the ten-day test, but we read that God also gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning.

And he even could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.

The Shunammite Woman's Uprightness:

'' 2 Kings 8 : 1 - 3
Now Elisha had said to the woman whose son he had restored to life, '' Go away with your family and stay for a while wherever you can, because the Lord has decreed a famine in the land that will last seven years.The woman proceeded to do as the man of God said. She and her family went away and stayed in the land of the Philistines seven years. At the end of the seven years she came back from the land of the Philistines and went to the king to beg for her house and land. ''

'' 2 Kings 8 : 5 Gehazi said, '' This is the woman, my lord the king, and this is her son whom Elisha
restored to life.'' The king asked the woman about it, and she told him.Then he assigned an official to her case and said to him, '' Give back everything that belonged to her , including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now.''

When there was a famine in Samaria, Elisha gave a word to the Shunammite woman to leave that land and go and stay wherever she can.

The Shunammite woman infact, was a wealthy woman.

Despite that, she was upright and kept the word of Elisha, and went on to stay in the land of Philistines. She left behind all she owned in Samaria.

When the famine ended, she returned back to Samaria , after seven years, and approached the king to ask for her land.

And because she kept the word of Elisha, God enabled the king to be favorable to this woman and the king appointed an official specially for her case and ensured she got back all that belonged to her.

God did not let her lose a penny. And whatever income that was generated from the land that belonged to her, from the day she left the country until she returned - including that, has been restored to her.

She got back more than she left behind, when she chose to honor the word of God, even though seven good years had passed away in the mean time.

''2 Samuel 22 : 22 -25 For I have kept the ways of the Lord; I have not done evil by turning from my God.All his laws are before me.I have not turned away from his decrees.I have been blameless before him and have kept myself from sin.The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to my cleanness in his sight.''

'' 2 Samuel 22 : 29 You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light. ''

Dear God's people, if we want to be successful and see the hand of God, in all our affairs, then we ought to be ''upright'' for God, in every simple matter of our lives.

Any simple compromise will only make us stumble in our walk , and thereby lead to unnecessary corrections in order to straighten us back.

If we cannot be upright for God and stand up for His word, then we cannot move an inch ahead in our spiritual life.

Foolishly, many a time, we compromise.

We have our own explanations and reasons as why are doing some things, keeping aside God's instruction.

We think God will overlook as its not a big issue, and it feels its alright if you are a bit lenient, and if you just take a slip.

The degrading force that comes in the way of uprightness is ''quick temper.''

Why many a time we fail to keep the instruction is, because of our temper.

In our quick temper, we decide to go for our own choice of things.

But people, if we make our own choices, then God will drive us to the bottom of the same choices that we make, and from there He will begin His moulding work and bring us to repentance!

And whatever we opt above God's command will only eject us out of it.

Whatever we try to hold on as a support for our walk, outside the word of God, will only throw us out of it.

But God will not mould his plan according to our thinking or will not turn around the things complying to our strategies and plans .

Lets learn more on this from Jonah:

If we meditate on the book of Jonah, that one characteristic , we can discern, from Jonah's reactions, is his ''quick temper ''.

'' Jonah 1 : 1 - 3 The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai : '' Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me. ''
But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord. ''

Jonah received a command from God to go to Nineveh.

But our dear Jonah felt it wasn't really necessary !

And he, perhaps thought he would be only tiring himself unncessarily, because anyhow God will relent and change His mind for He is a gracious God.

And he flees from the Lord.

'' Jonah 4 : 2
He prayed to the Lord, '' O Lord, is this not what I said when I was still at home ?That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. ''

From this Scripture we understand that Jonah expressed his thoughts and opinion on God's instruction, when he received God's command, and even before He took the ship to Tarshish.

This shows that Jonah's temper was not right when the instruction was given.

When he received the command, he immediately thought God will anyhow change his mind and he will not send any calamity as he was saying.

So he need not go all the way. And in his quick temper he ended up doing a foolish thing.

He takes a ship to Tarshish, instead of going to Nineveh.

But it was not very long, before the ship ejected Jonah !

'' Jonah 1 4 Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. ''

'' Jonah 1 : 12 '' Pick me up and throw me into the sea, '' he replied, '' and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you. '' ''

'' Jonah 1 : 15 Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm. ''

Jonah was finally thrown out of the ship.

And Jonah was taken not on to a warm, dry ground, in a pleasant near by island , but he was taken deep down into the ocean.... right into the belly of a fish!

'' Jonah 1 : 17 But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights. ''

'' Psalm 95 : 4, 5 In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. ''

And from the depths of the ocean, Jonah cries out to the Lord.

God brought about the repentance in Jonah, from the belly of a fish.

Its then the fish vomited him, and he comes out onto dry land.

'' Jonah 2:10 And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.''

If only Jonah was upright in keeping the word of God, he would have avoided all this bitter experience.

Dear people, ''Uprightness'' therefore, is very critical in our spiritual walk.

If we try to run away f
rom God's instruction, then don't think God will mould us from the convenient pleasant place, that we have chosen ignoring the Lord's word - he will instead take us into the deeps of the same situations!

From there, in the heart of the ferocious and scary atmosphere, he will begin His bending work, and bring about repentance in us.

Jonah did not repent in the same deck that he was sleeping, in the ship that he chose! Instead God made the ship eject him out of it, and then He took him to the deeps of the ocean, and there He melted Jonah's heart.

If only Jonah had control over his temper, things would have been different.

'' Jonah 4:5-9 Jonah went out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade and waited to see what would happen to the city. Then the Lord God provided a vine and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the vine.
But at dawn the next day God provided a worm, which chewed the vine so that it withered. When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah's head so that he grew faint.He wanted to die, and said, '' It would be better for me to die than to live. '' But God said to Jonah, '' Do you have a right to be angry about the vine ? ''
'' I do, '' he said.
'' I am angry enough to die.'' ''

From these words and behaviour of Jonah, we can discern that Jonah had a real quick temper.

He gets happy soon, and gets very angry very soon..and wants to even die for silly things.

Many of us are like him...right ?

Our temper is not balanced ... we are always led by our emotions, than wisdom.

Our moves will be based on how we '' feel '' on the outside.

We seldom give any thought on how happy we could be when we let the inside of us for God, and let
go of our external comfort for the sake of God's word.

Believe me people, the kind of joy, contentment, and the feeling of being secured, that we get when we take off our eyes from physical comforts , and delight in keeping God's word, is incomparable.

Our souls will be immersed in His unseen presence and the comfort that flows into our hearts and minds, is beyond expression.

There was a time when God was taking me through a test, and I was placed in a cozy tiny space - a very small room, with no enough space for a person to have a comfortable stay.

I was asked to be there for a considerable amount of time, and by the end of the tenure of the test, my legs began to pain, because I could not even take a proper walk for days together, because there was not enough space inside that room. All I had was a bed and a table and all I was doing was sleeping and reading the word of God and waiting on the Lord to know my next move.

I could not do anything else, because I had to preserve myself from every possible distraction, so that I don't miss out hearing the voice of my Father, and know what He wanted me to do next.

When I asked God how long was I supposed to be there , He said, '' two months '' - and believe me people, the moment I said, '' Yes Lord '' , that very instant, my mind received a sense of soothing, something began to flow inside of me, His peace and joy began to envelop me , my comfort levels rose so high on the inside , though on the outside, the physical situations were so compact , that my legs began to pain due to lack of sufficient movement as there wasn't enough space.

People around me began to get sarcastic that I don't even come out of the room - but for me , it was a mission, and waiting on my Father was the only important task for me that time, and I cannot afford to meddle that up which I would have, had I reacted to people.

And when the test-tenure was over, in an instant things turned around, and I flew away from that place !

By the time clock striked 12 hours in the midnight, which would make it the second day after the test-tenure that God had told me, I found myself in a new place, which was around 8 -10 times bigger than the place that I was kept for those two months.

Glory to God!

Dear people, as the Spirit of God is leading me to share this, I want you all to realise that the comfort that we get when we obey the word of God, and let go of any physical discomforts, is not comparable even to living in a royal palace made of gold and rubies and having some 100 maids at your service.

I challenge you this hour God's people - Take this decision this hour, wholeheartedly , in whatever conditions God has put you -
say to Him with all your heart , that, '' Yes Lord, I will go through this, ''and then see !

Just one word of surrender and one step of obedience is all that is expected out of you.
And then you will see how an abundant overflow of peace, joy and comfort will fill your hearts, flowing directly from our Father's Sanctuary.

On the contrary, if we begin to get influenced by our physical circumstances, then our temper begins to control our behaviour and will only lead us astray.

Most of us might have gone through this experience:

'' I thought I was doing the right thing and God knows my discomfort and will stand on my side...

I thought it was only a petty matter, so I need to hurry and do whats best according to won't really make much difference...

I thought I must act now, or my counterparts will take me for a ride ..God will surely be with me, for I am not committing a great sin, He surely will let me triumph, for I have all the 'right' reasons why I am acting this way ...

But what is this happening now ??
People are triumphing over me, they are over-riding me ...
It became even more worse than I wish I would have remained silent as I was ....
I am in the midst of a hell lot of evil things ! Theres not a ray of hope to come out !
I am being brought down to the bottoms, for such a simple mistake which I thought was no mistake at all ?!''

Yes ....?

Are we all familiar with these thoughts ?

This is only because of our '' quick temper. ''

Because of the missing element called, '' Uprightness.''

Our temper rises so quickly at times, that we feel we need not think any further in this matter, but get into action..

And in our temper we end up doing things that only take us even further to the bottoms, instead of putting us above.

We only end up burning our fingers !

And when we sink to the bottoms, from the depths of the situations we cry out for God's help !

Dear God's people, word of God is a double edged sword.

If we are not '' upright '' towards this sword, and in our quick temper drop it, or handle it carelessly, or even ignore it or act in a hurry, then it falls only on us and its we who will suffer the cuts and wounds.

But God's plans and purposes will not alter.

So, don't take God's word easy.

A command is a command. We are not supposed to turn to the right or to the left.

'' Psalm 94 : 12 - 19
Blessed is the man you discipline, O Lord, the man you teach from your law;

you grant him relief from days of trouble, till a pit is dug for the wicked.For the Lord will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance.Judgment will again be founded on righteousness, and all the upright in heart will follow it.

Who will rise up for me against the wicked ? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers ?
Unless the Lord had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death. When I said, ''My foot is slipping,'' your love, O Lord, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. ''

'' Isaiah 26 : 7 The path of the righteous is level; O upright One, you make the way of the righteous smooth. Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desires of our hearts. ''

We who are born in His image, ought to be upright like Him.

'' Psalm 36 : 9 - 12 For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart.
May the foot of the proud not come against me, nor the hand of the wicked drive me away.
See how the evildoers lie fallen -- thrown down, not able to rise! ''

'' Psalm 37:14 The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright.But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken. ''

'' Psalm 112 :2, 4 The generation of the upright will be blessed.
Even in darkness, light dawns for the upright, for the gracious , compassionate and righteous man.''

As the Spirit of God is speaking to us this hour, dear God's people, let us straighten up ourselves, and decide to walk in uprightness of heart before our God, all of our days.

God Bless you.