Servant of The Most High

Servant of The Most High

Micah 4:13

'' Rise and Thresh, O Daughter of Zion, for I will give you horns of iron;
I will give you hoofs of bronze and you will break to pieces many nations. ''

Showers  of  Living  Water

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Below are the messages from the Holy Scriptures taught by the Holy Spirit



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The King's share of harvest from the second crop.

''Isaiah 34:16 For it is His mouth that has given the order and His Spirit will gather them together.''

Friday, January 22, 2010

Lost The Way To Return Home?

Dear people of God, when we begin to walk with the Living God, the enemy sets its target on us and roams about in our neighbourhood, like a roaring lion, waiting for an oppurtunity to grab us away from God.

Most of us, even after tasting God, have fallen away and now unable to fnd the way back home, keep wandering about, not knowing what to do, unable to handle the battle going on in their minds and lives, wrestling with the negative feelings and thoughts that the devil keeps dumping on them, they are lost in the deceptive layers of hopelessness - this is the condition of many of our dear brothers and sisters...

Lets see what our Saviour has to advise to such of us:

''Jeremiah 38 : 15 ....As surely as the Lord lives, who has given us breath .. ''

Dear people of God, the very breath we breathe comes from God.

Devil might have ruined your entire world...
might have ruined your finances, taken away your people from you, might have left you homeless, taken you soo far that it seems like you are lost in some wilderness..
it might have destroyed your serenity leading you into wrong relations,
it migth have dipped you totally in the filthiness of its nature...

Yet, through your breath, you are still hooked up to your Heavenly Father.

As long as you have this breath in your lungs, realize that your Father still is keeping an eye on you !
Dear people, the breath we breathe is supplied by our Father, how then can He forget us ?
Do you think you can go soo far that God cannot reach you ?

Is there any valley soo deep, any mountain soooo high, any wilderness so wierd, that God's hand cannot reach you to save you and bring you back?

Every time you take in your breath, it reminds your Maker about you, because He is your source of supply of your life, my dear people in God. Will he not have a record of whom all He is supplying life ? Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered(Matt 10:30).

As along as we are breathing, dear children of God, be assured that God's protection surrounds us.

Even if we have messed up our lives totally, and everything is gone, He still eagerly awaits on us, to fall on our knees and come to Him and allow Him take control back so that He can direct our steps and bring us back home.

He knows that we have gone too far, so far that our mind cannot even comprehend the intensity of darkness that we brought on ourselves..

But He longs to save us and bring us back home...
And He left the choice in our hands...
And grants us grace that we make the right choice, because of our Saviour Jesus, who stands in between us and God, and intercedes on our behalf and every small or wildest sin we have committed, the blood of Jesus covers it up and grants us redemption.

So dear people, look upto God..
Let not the enemy condemn you, let him not deceive you by showing you the circumstances around you - they surely might have gone wrong, but that is where the devil lives, that is the abode of the devil and its not meant for us, our home is elsewhere, let our Father drive us back home.

All we need to do to find our way home, is just call up home...
Call on your Father, from wherever you are, whatever conditions the devil might have left you in, right where you are, take up the phone of 'Prayer' and ring up your Father in heaven, on your knees..

Tell him your conditions, cry out to him that you are afraid, and cannot stay there any more, and that you miss HIM, and want to be back to HIM, ask Him to send you help and rescue operations, and just bring you back home somehow...

Dear people, He willl Immediately hug you back... that very instant you break out in tears, HE will send you HIS LEGIONS OF ANGELS, though you may not see them with your natural eyes..
and HE will make HIS LIGHT shine on the direction you must take to return back home...

HE will carefully remove the thorns that got hooked up into your body due to sin, the thorns of depression, the thorns of fear, thorns of anxiety, thorns of hopelessness, thorns of dejection..
and heals you of all the wounds with HIS Love.

But how do we see this ''Light'' ? it is HIS WORD !!

Jesus said, I am the light to the world.

Turn to the word of God, get yourself immersed in it, ask your Father to speak to you, make you understand clearly His instructions - make this a mission, just like if you are lost in a forest, you will not relax thinking one day you will anyhow go home, will you ?
You will put all the efforts to find a way to make it home, to find some help to come out of that forest as soon as possible.

Similarly, take alll the precautions to protect yourselves from the wicked animals of the forest, which could be some wicked people around you, could be bad friends, bad habits, bad atmosphere, or some bad colleagues - get rid and stay away from every source that might cause you harm in the pocess of coming back to our Father's home.

Just make HIS presence and HIS WORD, an INCUBATOR.
Put all efforts to stay inside it and don't come out of it, this is possible by just doing and sticking to what the Word says you to do - set your FOCUS only on the WORD-for the outside world you are only visible to them, but for you, you are not in the world - you are actually inside the ''incubator of your Father's word.''

As long as you are inside it, no one can do any harm to you, they probably can only look at you but cannot even touch you anyway to cause you any harm. Because the Holy Spirit guides your steps and keeps you within the boundaries of the Word.

Get this invisible protection covering around you, and let your Maker mould you into the image He has for you.

Just like a baby in a mothers womb takes some time to come out fully shaped up and developed, it feeds on its protection layers of its mothers womb - similarly just be patient in the process, holding on to the word and promises of God, being assured that as along as you hold on to the word, you are in your Father's hands, and it's your Father's, who loves you, to mould you and design you, and He will surely bring you back into His freedom, and provide you with His abundant supplies and provisions, and satisfy all the desires of your heart, once He gets the person He wants out of you, a person made in His likeness.

And He will present you to the world as a powerful testimony for His Name and will use you as a war-club in His Hands.

Trust in Him with all your heart.

Henceforth, when you find yourself lost and the devil tries to deceive you saying, 'See its all over now, just look around once, is there anything left? Where is your God? Do you think you can live and make it?'
then dear people, all you just need to do is, take a deep breath, and tell him, ''LOOK ! HERE IS MY GOD !!!''

''Jeremiah 38 : 15 ....As surely as the Lord lives, who has given me breath.''

God Bless You.