Servant of The Most High

Servant of The Most High

Micah 4:13

'' Rise and Thresh, O Daughter of Zion, for I will give you horns of iron;
I will give you hoofs of bronze and you will break to pieces many nations. ''

Showers  of  Living  Water

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Below are the messages from the Holy Scriptures taught by the Holy Spirit



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The King's share of harvest from the second crop.

''Isaiah 34:16 For it is His mouth that has given the order and His Spirit will gather them together.''

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sons of Sceva Who Invoked The Lord's Name

'' Acts 19 :13 - 16
Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, '' In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out. ''
Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish priest, were doing this. One day the evil spirit answered them, ''Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you? '' Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding. ''

'' Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits '' - These Jews had a purpose - and that was to drive out the evil spirits.

And to accomplish their purpose, all they used to do was to invoke the name of Lord Jesus on demon-possessed people.

Dear people of God, understand something very carefully here...

These seven sons of Sceva did not have Jesus in them.

They were only ''invoking'' the name of Jesus.

They were only using His name to accomplish their purpose.

For certain time they seem to be successful, because the scriptures quote, '' day the evil spirit answered... ''.

That ''one day'' is the day when Satan commanded his angels to take over these sons of Sceva.

Satan knew these guys are only using the name of Jesus for their purpose, but do not actually have the Lord in them and they do not belong to the Lord.

And when these evil spirits received the command from their master, they overpowered them and left them in a terrible condition.

'' Proverbs 14 : 12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. ''

Dear people, without ''having'' the Lord in us, if we try to ''use'' the name of the Lord to accomplish our purposes, then one day the same will happen to each of us, as it happened with the sons of Sceva.

When the evil spirit spoke, it clearly mentioned,
''Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?''

The evil spirit knows Paul because Paul was an apostle appointed by Jesus, who was a real, true man of God, in whom the Lord lives and works.

The evil spirits, who know the Son of God, can surely make out whether one belongs to the Lord, and if the Lord is in them or not.

Having the Lord in us, means, having the Word in us. And we can have the Word in us, only when we live by the Word and practise the Word.

If you are empty without the Lord in you, i.e., without practising and living by the word, and still you are ''invoking the name'' of Jesus to drive out the evil only to accomplish your purposes, then dear people, forget about you driving out the evil ....

One fine day, when their Master Satan signals them to take over, they will begin to answer back and revolt against you...
And when you are unable to make out your identity in the Lord because you have not practised the word, you will not be able to take your stand against them...
Because without Jesus, you are a
n-o-b-o-d-y !

And when they find you , a ''nobody'', a person who doesn't have the ''Word'' inside, they will over power you and will drive you out leaving you in a terrible condition, like the sons of Sceva !

People, its not a joke.

Don't be careless with the word of God.

Don't think you can use the Scriptures the way you want, and live life the way you like, practising every strange doctrine to keep your souls happy, and yet use the name of the Lord to drive out the evil, to accomplish your purposes.

Word is not broken. Scripture is One.

Any deceptive doctrine cannot function as a substitute of the Word.

It will only seggregate you from the Word.

And when you are detached from the Word, because you have been practising un-Scriptural doctrines which aim to accomplish ''your desires and purposes,'' and yet you invoke the name of Jesus against the evil, then my dear people, beware !!

Perhaps you will be successful for few days, but only until these evil spirits hear the signal from their master, Satan..

That day, your condition will be no better than the sons of Sceva.
If you don't want this to happen, then be careful about what you are practising in your life:

Are you practising the word of God and living by the word, and having Jesus in your life?

Or are you practising to '' use '' the word of God and invoke the name of Jesus, for accomplishing your purposes ??

The sons of Sceva did the latter.

And the Lord has left the choice in your hands ...

Let us now understand the strategy of Satan from the following Scripture:

'' Luke 21 : 31-32 ''Simon , Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.'' But he replied, ''Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.'' Jesus answered , ''I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.'' ''

Jesus here tells Peter that Satan has asked to sift Peter as wheat.

This event of Satan asking God to sift Peter, happened even before Peter denying Jesus.

The incident is yet to happen...

But Satan had asked to sift him even before he acted.

This means Satan fore-knew Peter's next moves.

Which means Satan is pretty well aware of what is inside of Peter.

Satan has first done its work in the heart of Peter, and he now is sure of how Peter will behave given a certain situation.

And smartly it went to the Lord and asked HIM to sift him off as wheat, even before Peter actually did it in the natural.

So there is certainly something serious going on in the inside of Peter, and whatever is going on is defnitely not proper in the sight of God.

Jesus here only mentioned what Satan asked and what Jesus did, and he did not reveal what's on Peter's heart. But Peter's guilty conscious prompted him to cover up himself. And in the process of covering up, he actually speaks out the opposite of what is happening in his mind. This shows that deep inside his heart Peter was surely thinking of forsaking or denying the Lord, or he wouldn't have exaggerated that he would go to prison and death for the Lord. He would have said something else.

So Satan has thoroughly corrupted the heart of Peter. And now began to accuse him before the Lord.

So, Satan's steps are based on what is inside of us. Not on the outside. Because on the outside, Peter is a disciple of the Son of God. And nobody would guess that Satan will accuse Jesus' chosen disciple ( except the one appointed to deceive the Lord. )

But Jesus stood in the gap and interceded for him that his faith may not fail - even before Peter denied him.
And only because of the prayers of Jesus, the grace of God covered Peter, and he was able to repent and continue his work for the Lord, even after he denying the Lord.

Had not Jesus stood in the gap, God's wrath would have consumed Peter for denying the Son of God.

People, Satan first gets the ground ready for itself on the inside of God's people, before it gets into action on the outside.

If we are empty from inside without the Word, and yet invoke the Lord's name , then its only because of Jesus who is interceding for us in the presence of the Father that we are still surviving. Or else, amidst of all these false doctrines spreading like gangrene, people using the Scriptures for their prosperous living, God's wrath would have consumed us by this time.

But Jesus, in His love is still waiting on us that we will discard all these and devote our hearts to him.

All of those who are practising to invoke the name of the Lord to accomplish their desires, its pretty obvious that Satan has kept their hearts captive to the worldly desires. With its false doctrines it has now prepared the ground for itself on the inside of God's people.

Now Satan clearly knows what each one will do given a certain situation.

And all it is waiting now, is on God's patience:

'' Amos 9 : 8 -10
Surely the eyes of the Sovereign Lord are on the sinful kingdom. I will destroy it from the face of the earth -- yet I will not totally destroy the house of Jacob,'' declares the Lord.

For I will give the command, and I will shake the house of Israel among all the nations as grain is shaken in a sieve, and not a pebble will reach the ground. All the sinners among my people will die by the sword.
All those who say, 'Disaster will not overtake or meet us.' ''

Once God decides the time to begin His work and sends His command to shake off the people in a sieve...

and when pains and troubles will begin to manifest one by one....

and as usual, you will start invoking the name of the Lord to rebuke the evil to get your purpose done...

that's when Satan gives green signal to its angels...

Then you will see how these evil spirits begin to answer back and jump over you and make you run naked and bleeding.

One evil spirit left seven sons of Sceva bleeding ...

People, its not a joke.

Understand the seriousness of the matter...

Do not just outwardly wear the tag of Jesus, and invoke His power to accomplish your purposes - This is only a deception from the enemy, who is very strategically laying its ground.

Get the identity and the power of the Lord from the inside of you, by practising His word.

Abide by the sound instruction of Jesus and do the will of the Father, until the end.

Let righteousness be like your everyday clothing.

Let the Lord live in you every moment.

Do not try to see the Lord in the worldly material blessings, for He is not of this World but from above. And we who belong to Him, neither are we of this world.

We are supposed to leave this world soon and meet our Lord in the mid skies, for His return is very soon...and if we are not ready on the inside, we are as good as dead bodies.

And where the dead bodies are, there the vultures will gather....

'' Luke 17 : 34 - 37 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and other left. Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left. '' '' Where Lord? '' they asked. He replied, ''where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.''

May the Spirit of God grant knowledge and understanding to God's people, to practise living by the Scriptures and not using the Scriptures for their living.

God Bless You.